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eGlu - Home, Smart Home!





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




eGlu - Home, Smart Home!(圖1)-速報App

eGlu is an innovative product which brings the concept of Smart Living, in its most useful, reliable and elegant form, to homeowners. This extremely simple-to-use product makes your home Smart and provides benefits like security and convenience. It helps to automate repetitive tasks when you are at home and ensures that your house is safe when you are away. With eGlu, all the security devices, cameras, light fixtures and appliances can communicate with each other wirelessly. Free eGlu mobile APP provides the user interface to control and monitor all these smart devices from anywhere. It also allows you to make these devices more intelligent by adding custom ‘rules’ and ‘scenes’.

eGlu - Home, Smart Home!(圖2)-速報App

In a nutshell, eGlu is a Internet of Things (IOT) product which is tailored towards Home Automation & Home Security.

eGlu - Home, Smart Home!(圖3)-速報App

eGlu smart plugs, switches and security sensors can also be controlled by voice assistants like Alexa powered Echo devices from Amazon and the Google Assistant available directly from smartphones and Google Home devices.

eGlu - Home, Smart Home!(圖4)-速報App

The biggest challenge with any wireless smart home product is the reliability of communication and the user experience. eGlu has been built from the grounds up keeping these challenges in mind. eGlu's patented low power, long range wireless communication technology (https://www.google.com/patents/US20160057722) guarantees a very reliable smart home solution.

eGlu - Home, Smart Home!(圖5)-速報App

eGlu - Home, Smart Home!(圖6)-速報App